
  • Postdoctoral, PhD and project positions are available in our group. Join Us.

  • February 2025: Devansh presents his Masters’ project. Congratulations! Now on to even more exciting things! See more…

  • October 2024: Devansh’s exploration of the effect of loss mechanisms on linear spectra using our Path Integral Lindblad Dynamics method published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Congratulations! Check it out…

  • March 2024: A novel and efficient approach to incorporating empirical gain / loss mechanisms into numerically exact, non-perturbative path integral simulations of open quantum systems published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Check it out…

  • December 2023: A new tensor network approach to simulating quantum correlation functions published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Check it out…

  • September 2023: Study of excitonic dynamics and pathways in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Check it out…

  • August 2023: Devansh joins for his Project B.

  • August 2023: Work on identifying pathways of quantum transport in molecular aggregates published in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Check it out…

  • May 2023: Package for simulating quantum dynamics in complex open systems package with support for a number of state-of-the-art methods published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Check it out…