Spectral Densities

The interaction of a quantum system with a condensed phase environment is often captured through the spectral density. QuantumDynamics has a built-in support for a few of the most common spectral densities and allows for easy incorporation of other spectral densities.

Spectral Density Hierarchy

The hierarchy of structures are as follows. All spectral densities are subtypes of the SpectralDensity struct:

which is split into two types:


which encodes a bath of discrete oscillators.

The ContinuousSpectralDensities struct is further subtyped into:

for spectral densities obtained in a tabular form either from experiments or from theoretical simulations, and

corresponding to the model spectral densities with particular analytical form.

Analytical Spectral Densities

Currently only two broad classes of analytical spectral densities are covered:

ExponentialCutoff <: AnalyticalSpectralDensity

Model spectral density with an exponential cutoff of the form:

$J(ω) = \frac{2π}{Δs^2} ξ \frac{ω^n}{ω_c^{n-1}} \exp\left(-\frac{|ω|}{ωc}\right)$

where Δs is the distance between the two system states, ξ is the dimensionless Kondo parameter, and ωc is the cutoff frequency. The model is Ohmic if n = 1, sub-Ohmic if n < 1, and super-Ohmic if n > 1.

The struct contains:

  • ξ: Kondo parameter
  • ωc: cutoff frequency
  • Δs: the distance between the two states
  • n: power of the polynomial
  • ωmax: when discretized the points would lie in the symmetric interval, [-ωmax, ωmax]
  • npoints: number of points of discretization
  • classical: is the spectral density describing a classical bath?
DrudeLorentz <: AnalyticalSpectralDensity

Model Drude-Lorentz spectral density of the form:

$J(ω) = \frac{2λ}{Δs^2} \frac{ω γ}{ω^2 + γ^2}$

where Δs is the distance between the two system states.

The struct contains:

  • γ: cutoff frequency
  • λ: reorganization energy
  • Δs: the distance between the two states
  • ωmax: when discretized the points would lie in the symmetric interval, [-ωmax, ωmax]
  • npoints: number of points of discretization
  • classical: is the spectral density describing a classical bath?

Utilities for spectral densities

All spectral densities can be evaluated on a regular grid of frequencies to give a table of values using

tabulate(sd::DiscreteOscillators, full_real::Bool=true)

Returns sd.ω and sd.jw.

tabulate(sd::AnalyticalSpectralDensity, full_real::Bool=true)

Returns a table with ω and J(ω) for ω between -ωmax to ωmax if full_real is true. Otherwise the table ranges for ω between 0 and ωmax with sd.npoints.

tabulate(sd::SpectralDensityTable, full_real::Bool=true)

Returns sd.ω and sd.jw.


For continuous spectral densities, it is often useful to discretize it into a set of independent oscillators. This can be done using

discretize(sd::ContinuousSpectralDensity, num_osc::Int)

Discretizes a continuous spectral density into a set of num_osc oscillators by assigning equal portions of the total reorganization energy to each oscillator.


This is important for applying quantum-classical algorithms like the Ehrenfest limit or the Quantum-Classical Path Integral.

The reorganization energies of spectral densities can be computed using


Calculates the reorganization energy corresponding to any analytical spectral density.

$λ = \frac{Δs^2}{2π}\int_{-∞}^∞ \frac{J(ω)}{ω}\,dω$


Calculates the reorganization energy corresponding to any analytical spectral density.

$λ = \frac{1}{2π}\int_{-∞}^∞ \frac{J(ω)}{ω}\,dω$


Calculates the reorganization energy corresponding to a bath of discrete oscillators.

$λ = \frac{1}{π}\sum_n \frac{j_n}{ω_n}$
