Quantum Correlation Functions using Path Integrals


A_of_t(; Hamiltonian::AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64}, β::Real, t::Real, N::Int, Jw::AbstractVector{<:SpectralDensities.SpectralDensity}, svec::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, A, B, extraargs::Utilities.TensorNetworkArgs=Utilities.TensorNetworkArgs())

Calculates $Tr_{env}(U(t) exp(-β H/2) A exp(-β H/2) U^{-1}(t))$ for a system interacting with an environment at a time-point t using the tensor network path integral method. This can be used for thermodynamics or for calculating correlation functions.


  • Hamiltonian: system Hamiltonian
  • Jw: array of spectral densities
  • svec: diagonal elements of system operators through which the corresponding baths interact. QuAPI currently only works for baths with diagonal coupling to the system.
  • β: inverse temperature
  • t: time at which the function is evaluated
  • N: number of path integral discretizations
  • A: system operator to be evaluated
  • extraargs: extra arguments for the tensor network algorithm. Contains the cutoff threshold for SVD filtration, the maximum bond dimension, maxdim, and the algorithm of applying an MPO to an MPS.
complex_correlation_function(; Hamiltonian::AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64}, β::Real, tfinal::Real, dt::Real, N::Int, Jw::AbstractVector{<:SpectralDensities.SpectralDensity}, svec::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, A, B, Z::Real, extraargs::Utilities.TensorNetworkArgs=Utilities.TensorNetworkArgs(), verbose::Bool=false, output::Union{Nothing,HDF5.Group}=nothing, exec=ThreadedEx())

Calculates the $<A(0) B(t_c)> / Z$ correlation function for a system interacting with an environment upto a maximum time of tfinal with a time-step of dt using the tensor network path integral method.


  • Hamiltonian: system Hamiltonian
  • Jw: array of spectral densities
  • svec: diagonal elements of system operators through which the corresponding baths interact. QuAPI currently only works for baths with diagonal coupling to the system.
  • β: inverse temperature
  • tfinal: maximum time till which the correlation function is evaluated
  • dt: time-step for evaluating correlation function
  • N: number of path integral discretizations
  • A: system operator evaluated at time zero
  • B: array of system operators evaluated at time t
  • Z: partition function for normalization
  • extraargs: extra arguments for the tensor network algorithm. Contains the cutoff threshold for SVD filtration, the maximum bond dimension, maxdim, and the algorithm of applying an MPO to an MPS.
  • verbose: verbosity
  • output: output HDF5 file for storage of results
  • exec: FLoops.jl execution policy
A_of_t(; Hamiltonian::AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64}, β::Float64, t::Float64, N::Int64, Jw::AbstractVector{<:SpectralDensities.SpectralDensity}, svec::AbstractMatrix{Float64}, A, extraargs::QuAPI.QuAPIArgs=QuAPI.QuAPIArgs(), exec=FLoops.ThreadedEx())

Calculates $Tr_{env}(U(t) exp(-β H/2) A exp(-β H/2) U^{-1}(t))$ for a system interacting with an environment at a time-point t using the tensor network path integral method. This can be used for thermodynamics or for calculating correlation functions.


  • Hamiltonian: system Hamiltonian
  • Jw: array of spectral densities
  • svec: diagonal elements of system operators through which the corresponding baths interact. QuAPI currently only works for baths with diagonal coupling to the system.
  • β: inverse temperature
  • t: time at which the function is evaluated
  • N: number of path integral discretizations
  • A: system operator to be evaluated
  • extraargs: extra arguments for the tensor network algorithm. Contains the cutoff threshold for SVD filtration, the maximum bond dimension, maxdim, and the algorithm of applying an MPO to an MPS.
  • exec: FLoops.jl execution policy
complex_correlation_function(; Hamiltonian::AbstractMatrix{ComplexF64}, β::Real, tfinal::Real, dt::Real, N::Int, Jw::AbstractVector{<:SpectralDensities.SpectralDensity}, svec::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, A, B, Z::Real, extraargs::QuAPI.QuAPIArgs=QuAPI.QuAPIArgs(), verbose::Bool=false, output::Union{Nothing,HDF5.Group}=nothing, exec=ThreadedEx())

Calculates the $<B(t_c) A(0)> / Z$ correlation function for a system interacting with an environment upto a maximum time of tfinal with a time-step of dt using the tensor network path integral method.


  • Hamiltonian: system Hamiltonian
  • Jw: array of spectral densities
  • svec: diagonal elements of system operators through which the corresponding baths interact. QuAPI currently only works for baths with diagonal coupling to the system.
  • β: inverse temperature
  • tfinal: maximum time till which the correlation function is evaluated
  • dt: time-step for evaluating correlation function
  • N: number of path integral discretizations
  • A: system operator evaluated at time zero
  • B: system operator evaluated at time t
  • Z: partition function for normalization
  • extraargs: extra arguments for the tensor network algorithm. Contains the cutoff threshold for SVD filtration, the maximum bond dimension, maxdim, and the algorithm of applying an MPO to an MPS.
  • verbose: verbosity
  • output: output HDF5 file for storage of results
  • exec: FLoops.jl execution policy